The newly released 2023 Yearbook of the German Society for Journalism and Communication Studies includes a conference paper authored by Adriana Mutu, titled The allocation of state advertising to private media corporations in Europe: legal and regulatory frameworks. This paper was presented by Adriana at the Annual Conference of the European Media Management Association (Emma) “Reorganization of Media Industries: Digital Transformation, Entrepreneurship and Regulation” organized in München in 2022.
Adriana´s paper introduces a cross-country comparative analysis of the institutional mechanisms, legislative and regulatory procedures for allocating and distributing state institutional advertising to private news media organisations across nine European countries. An assessment of the extant frameworks in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Norway, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland is provided based on an extensive review of the academic literature. This cluster of countries represents the two models for media systems conceptualised by Hallin and Mancini (2004): the Polarised Pluralist and the Democratic Corporatist media systems. Results show significant variations between countries in the level of institutional transparency regarding the allocation and distribution of state institutional advertising.
The full article can be accessed at