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Call for papers: Regulators and Regulation in the Digital Era

The Centre for a Digital Society of the European University Institute invites submissions of unpublished papers for its conference on “Regulators and Regulation in the Digital Era”. The Conference is going to take place on the 11th and 12th of April 2024.

The conference welcomes submissions from lawyers, economists, political scientists, and other relevant technical experts, presenting research within the core areas of the event:

  • Regulation in the Digital Age
  • New Tools and Structure of Regulators
  • Networks of Regulators

The Conference will primarily focus on the EU, papers discussing the changing role of regulation and regulators in other regions of the world are also welcome.

The submission requires to send an extended abstract (min. 5 pages) or a full paper by 4 February 2024 at this link.

More information about the call is available here.

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